Paranormal Investigation Roleplay Wiki
Forums: Index > Orientation > Ryan Kerr

  1. Who are you? (Name, Age, Gender)
  2. What are you? (Class)
  3. How did you come to be here? (History)
  4. What can you do? (Powers)
  5. Do you have anything interesting? (Possessions/Magical Artifacts)

1) Name: Ryan Kerr

Age: 16, birthday September 24 1995

Gender: Male

Appearance and personality: I have brown hair and eyes. I’m 5’10”. I’m very slim from a year of very little food. It takes a lot to anger me, but if u do get me angry the only thing u can do is run. I don’t care about killing people, I already killed my parents. I will always bring those who wrong me and my friends to justice, whether that means handing them over to the authorities or killing them myself, I don’t care

2) Class: Witch, if not Witch then Mystic

3) History: My parents were very Christian. So when I started to show my abilities when I was 10 they freaked out. They were convinced that I was possessed by something. So for the next two years my parents tried anything they could think of to ‘cure’ me. When I turned 13 they gave up but would keep me locked up in my room. When I turned 15 I had enough of my parents so I took matters in to my own hands. The night of my 15th birthday, I was running from the inferno that uses to be my house. The fire might not have been traced to me but I wasn’t going to take the chance. So for the next year I lived on the streets, performing simple magic tricks to get money. Then a little under a month after my 16th birthday a PIB agent found me and brought me here.

4) Powers: everything a Witch can do (or if a Mystic everything a Mystic can do), though I am very good a fire based magic

5) Possessions: a ruby ring that i got when i was 9. It has the ability to shoot a small fire ball on command also i can use it to make the fireball go away

Ok, you're good "Beware the man that hunts monsters, for that he might become one"- Lott-Lotto 05:30, October 14, 2011 (UTC)
